On Thursday November 8th 2012, Soundtoys delivered a very large check to Team Rubicon’s Super Storm Sandy Relief effort. The total raised by Soundtoys customers was $38,384. That’s $37,439 in sales plus $945.00 in direct donations to Team Rubicon. This shows that people can pull together, and they can make a difference. To the great crew at Tape Op, Sonic Scoop, and each and every person who made a purchase or donation Soundtoys proudly and humbly issues a sincere “thank you”.
“This is by far our largest sales day ever. And the biggest before that was the benefit we did for Gulf Coast Relief.” says Mitch Thomas, of Soundtoys,“We are so proud of the music community for making this happen. This is something to believe in.”
“We are so grateful to Soundtoys and everyone who purchased for such a generous donation. This will bolster Team Rubicon’s current mission of helping those affected by Hurricane Sandy and allowing veterans to put their unique set of skills to work in responding to this natural disaster,” said Jake Wood, Team Rubicon president and co-founder.
About Team Rubicon
Team Rubicon (TR) unites the skills and experience of military veterans with first responders to rapidly deploy emergency response teams into crisis situations. TR offers veterans a chance to continue their service by helping and empowering those afflicted by disasters, and also themselves. For more about Team Rubicon, visit www.teamrubiconusa.org.