Happy holidays from the Soundtoys crew! As a special gift, we’ve created an expansion pack of 20 fun and easy presets for Effect Rack. It’s a diverse little collection that covers mixing techniques, sound design, rhythmic effects, and instrument-specific effects. Think of it like Santa’s bag – full of all kinds of goodies.
This pack has an easy-to-use installer, so simply download, click and enjoy! You’ll find your new expansion pack in Effect Rack’s preset menu, named Pack – Holiday 2022.
We wish you a safe, happy, and healthy holiday season. Here’s to an exciting 2023!
This expansion pack is for Effect Rack. No purchase necessary – thanks for being awesome!
Meet Your New Presets
Most have a video preview – use the links below to listen and hear where these presets might take you.
70s Space Drum Phase: Turn normal drums into psychedelic drums.
808 Parallel Growler: A saturation-based, low-end destruction preset for 808.
808 Parallel Stereolizer: A stereo space-enhancing preset for 808.
Aha Dicer: A hard dicing preset for turning any audio into a rhythm.
Ambient Padding: A beautiful shimmering synth-like texture behind sustained audio; responds to dynamics of the incoming audio.
Ambient Phased Vocal: A sweeping reverb to add a dramatic, majestic space to vocals.
Double Weird: Vocal doubling and glitch effects.
Drum Buss Honeyy: A general-purpose bus chain to add transient shaping, analog saturation, summing, and punch.
Eighties Gaties: Classic gated drum reverb with grit.
Filtered Depth Charge: Generate thundering filtered underwater vibrations on percussion and drums.
Four On The Floor: An easy way to add a quarter note pumping FX for groove.
Glimmer Of Hope: A shiny new glimmer of hope is added to any audio.
Looking Glass Pad: Reversed audio with shimmering pad and stereo pulse.
Lower Expectations: Low octave, slap delay, and mod for extra thickness and space.
MultiModVerb: Big verb space with chorus, phase, and dynamic tremolo.
Octave Down Divider: Rhythmic gated pitch-shifted magic to morph any audio into a whole new musical element.
Parallel Bass Smash 101: A classic bass destruction trick for parallel aux or direct mixing.
Pushing Forward: Multiple rhythmic filters create a driving new rhythm with almost any sound.
Snowy Night: A sparkling floating nightscape full of pitched bits that fall like snow. The Mandalorian: A sci-fi-like ambiance that throws any sound into a spacey, galactic, whirling reverb/echo.