Parallel processing is the method of blending an effect in with the dry signal, which helps preserve the clarity of the original timbre while emphasizing whatever effects you wish to add to the track. In this video, we demonstrate you how easily you can blend effects into your bass DI signal with Effect Rack and its quintessential Mix knob.
Simply drag+drop the preset file into Effect Rack in your session to load the settings. Don’t forget to SAVE it! It’s easy – just watch this.
Download ‘Quake’ for Effect Rack
Download ‘Baby Bass’ for Effect Rack
Watch how a classic bass destruction trick can be used on either a parallel aux track 100% wet, or directly on the bass track blended in with the Mix knob.
Download ‘Bass Parallel Smash 101’ for Effect Rack
Add these two new presets onto their own aux tracks in your session, send your 808 to them, then mix the aux tracks in to your liking. Don’t be afraid to use automation to dynamically morph the sound even further!
Download the ‘808 Parallel Growler’ for Effect Rack
Download the ‘808 Parallel Stereolizer’ for Effect Rack
Use this preset to quickly add a low octave, some slap delay, and modulation to just about any flavor of bass for some extra thickness and space.
Download the ‘Lower Expectations’ for Effect Rack